An accessible justice system in a vibrant and evolving constitutional democracy.
To enable Access to Justice, to promote Constitutionalism, Rule of Law, Respect for Human Rights and to coordinate the State Litigation and Legal Advisory Services
The Strategic Plan and the Annual Performance Plan cover all five programmes of the Department which
Court Administration
State Legal Services
National Prosecuting Authority
Auxiliary and Associated Services
Outcome 1: Modernised and digitized justice services platforms
The Department will increase efficiencies and improve service delivery turnaround times.
Automation and digitization will enable universal access to services provided by the Department to members of the public at any time and wherever they are.
This will in turn assist in reducing queues at service points, as well as the cost of receiving the
service (e.g. transport costs).
The cost of providing the service will be reduced (e.g. paper).
The enablement of an integrated criminal justice system will be supported.
Outcome 2: Improved organisational capabilities and good governance
Improve the Department’s current performance.
Improve the image and public perception of the Department.
Improve the delivery of services.
Contribute to Priority 1: Development of the capable state.
Contribute to the improvement in good governance in the Department.
Improve management of state resources.
The achievement of unqualified audit opinions will improve the public perception of the Department
management integrity.
Outcome 3: Improved awareness of justice services and the Constitution
Improve the public’s understanding of the Department’s services and how to access these.
Support awareness of the modernization programme being introduced by the Department to make services user-friendly and convenient.
Increase awareness of the Constitution and the rights enshrined therein.
Outcome 4: Increased access to justice services
Improve the satisfaction level of justice services recipients.
Improve efficiency in delivering justice services.
Assist in bringing justice services in closer proximity to the communities.
Assist the Department in achieving its intended impact: improved public perception, confidence in
the justice system, and respect for the rule of law.
Outcome 5: Improved Masters’ Services
The five-year target will enable the Department to increase efficiencies and improve service delivery.
It will assist the Department in achieving its intended impact: improved public perception, confidence
in the justice system, and respect for the rule of law.
Development of system that will enhance transformation.
Outcome 6: Colonial/apartheid era justice-related legislation reviewed and replaced
It will assist the Department in achieving its intended impact: improved public perception, confidence
in the justice system, and respect for the rule of law.
The repeal of apartheid and colonial era justice-related legislation will assist in aligning legislation to
the Constitution.
Outcome 7: Transformed state litigation services
To reduce state liability.
Outcome 8: Transformed legal profession
Increase the pool for potential candidates for the Bench.
Transfer of skills.
Enhance transformation.
Establish a nerve-centre for state legal services.
Enhance transformation of the legal profession.
Assist the Department in achieving its outcomes of top legal professionals reflecting the demographics and diversity of the country.
Outcome 9: Advanced constitutionalism, human rights and the rule of law
To raise awareness about the Constitution and human rights, particularly with regards to vulnerable
groups (LGBTQI, women and children), in communities and in international fora.
Improve compliance with international obligations.
Co-operation with foreign states regarding extradition and requests for Mutual Legal Assistance
signifies South Africa’s commitment to fighting crime and eliminating impunity for perpetrators.
Active participation in the multilateral fora contributes to a better South Africa, a better and safer
Africa in a better world.
It will contribute to Priority 7: A better South Africa, a better and safer Africa in a better world.
Outcome 10: Crime and corruption reduced through effective prosecution
Level of satisfaction with the prosecution of identified crime types:
The NPA recognises that crime and activities related to crime in South Africa has a dire effect on
the citizens’ feelings of safety and security. The NPA therefore recognises that a functional, effective
and professional prosecution service will result in improved trust in the work of the NPA and,
ultimately, in the credibility of the criminal justice system.
This will assist the NPA to understand the level of quality of service that is offered to ensure that
justice is served, especially in crimes that have an impact on feelings of safety.