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Area Magisterial District Main Seat/Sub District Courts
Adamayview [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Agisanang [NW] Tswaing  Delareyville Main Seat  Delareyville Magistrate's Court
Agisaneng [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Akron [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Alabama [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Amalia  [NW] Mamusa  Schweizer-Reneke Main Seat  Schweizer-Reneke Magistrate's Court
Amanabad [NW] Ditsobotla  Coligny Sub District  Coligny Magistrate's Court
Appeldraai [NW] Ventersdorp  Ventersdorp Main Seat  Ventersdorp Magistrate's Court
Aslaagte [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Atamelang [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Athole [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Azaleapark [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Babelegi [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Bafokeng South Platinum Mine [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Bafokong North Platinum Mine [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Bahurutshe [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Baikagedi [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Baillie Park [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Bakerville [NW] Ditsobotla  Lichtenburg Main Seat  Lichtenburg Magistrate's Court 
Bala [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Banksdrif [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Bapong [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Bapong [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Barberspan Bird Sanctuary [NW] Tswaing  Delareyville Main Seat  Delareyville Magistrate's Court
Barberspan Nature Reserve [NW] Tswaing  Delareyville Main Seat  Delareyville Magistrate's Court
Barseba [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Bathobatho [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Beestekraal [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Beestekraal [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Beirut [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Bethanie [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Bethel [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Bierkraal [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Biesiesvlei [NW] Ditsobotla  Lichtenburg Main Seat  Lichtenburg Magistrate's Court 
Blairbeth [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Zeerust Sub District  Zeerust Magistrate’s Court
Bleskop Mines [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Bloemhof [NW] Lekwa-Teemane  Bloemhof Main Seat  Bloemhof Magistrate's Court
Bloemhofdam Nature Reserve [NW] Maquassi Hills  Wolmaranstad Main Seat  Wolmaranstad Magistrate's Court
Blydeville [NW] Ditsobotla  Lichtenburg Main Seat  Lichtenburg Magistrate's Court 
Bobuampja [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Bodibe [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Boekenhoutfontein SH [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Boetrand [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Boikhutso [NW] Ditsobotla  Lichtenburg Main Seat  Lichtenburg Magistrate's Court 
Boitekong [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Boitumelong [NW] Lekwa-Teemane  Bloemhof Main Seat  Bloemhof Magistrate's Court
Bojating [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Bokamoso [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Bollantlokwe [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Bona-Bona [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Bonmail [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Boons [NW] Kgetlengrivier  Koster Main Seat  Koster Magistrate's Court
Borakalalo [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Borakalalo Game Reserve [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Borolelo Ext 3 [NW] Kgetlengrivier  Swartruggens Sub District  Swartruggens Magistrate's Court
Boschdal [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Boshoek [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Boskop [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Boskop Dam Nature Reserve [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Boskuil [NW] Maquassi Hills  Wolmaranstad Main Seat  Wolmaranstad Magistrate's Court
Bosplaas [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Botsalano Game Reserve [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Botshabelo [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Botshabelo [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Botshabelo [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Braklaagte [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Zeerust Sub District  Zeerust Magistrate’s Court
Bray [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Brits [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Broederstroom [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Brooksby [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Bruidegomskraal [NW] Ventersdorp  Ventersdorp Main Seat  Ventersdorp Magistrate's Court
Buampsa [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Buffalo Ridge [NW] City of Matlosana  Stilfontein Sub Distict  Stilfontein Branch Court
Buffelsdoorn [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Buffelsfontein [NW] City of Matlosana  Stilfontein Sub Distict  Stilfontein Branch Court
Buffelsfontein [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Buffelspoort [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Buffelspoort Dam [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Carlisonia [NW] Ditsobotla  Lichtenburg Main Seat  Lichtenburg Magistrate's Court 
Carousel Veiw [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Cashan [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Cedrela  [NW] Kgetlengrivier  Koster Main Seat  Koster Magistrate's Court
Chachalaza [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Chaneng [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Christiana [NW] Lekwa-Teemane  Christiana Sub District  Christiana Magistrate's Court
Cokonyane  [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Coligny [NW] Ditsobotla  Coligny Sub District  Coligny Magistrate's Court
Collerville [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Coverndale [NW] Lekwa-Teemane  Bloemhof Main Seat  Bloemhof Magistrate's Court
Damonsville [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Danhouse [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Danville [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Dassierand [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Dawkinsville [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
De Grens [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
De Kameelkuil [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
De Wildt [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Declercqville [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Deelpan [NW] Tswaing  Delareyville Main Seat  Delareyville Magistrate's Court
Delareyville [NW] Tswaing  Delareyville Main Seat  Delareyville Magistrate's Court
Delela [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Derby [NW] Kgetlengrivier  Koster Main Seat  Koster Magistrate's Court
Dertig [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Dibate [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Dibono [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Diepkuil [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Dihatshwe [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Dihibidung [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Dikebu [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Dikgabong Baleng [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Dikgopaneng [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Dikhololo Private Game Reserve [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Dikhuting [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Dikweipi [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Dilopye [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Dingateng [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Dinokana [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Dinokaneng [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Diolwane [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Dipetlelwane [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Dipompong [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Dipudi [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Diretsane [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Disake [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Disaneng [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Dithabane [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Dithakong [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Ditsobotla  [NW] Ditsobotla  Lichtenburg Main Seat  Lichtenburg Magistrate's Court 
Dominionville [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Doornkop [NW] Ventersdorp  Ventersdorp Main Seat  Ventersdorp Magistrate's Court
Doornlaagte [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Groot Marico Sub District  Groot Marico Detached Court
Doringkruin [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Doringpoort [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Driefontein [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Driehoek [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Dry Harts  [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Du Plessi Park [NW] Naledi  Vryburg Main Seat  Vryburg Magistrate's Court
Duikersbos [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Dwarsberg [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Eagles Landing [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Eastleigh [NW] City of Matlosana  Orkney Sub District  Orkney Branch Court
Eksdale [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Elandia [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Elandsfontein SH [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Elandsheuwel [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Elandskuil [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Elandsrand [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Ellaton [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Enselsrust [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Entabeni [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Erasmus [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Eureka [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Faan Meintjies Nature Reserve [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Fafung [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
First Gate [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Flamwood [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Flimieda [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Flora Park AH [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Freedom Park  [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Freemanville [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Frischgewaagd [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Frisgewaagt [NW] Tswaing  Delareyville Main Seat  Delareyville Magistrate's Court
Ga-Habedi [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
GaKgale [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Ga-Kubu [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Ga-Kwate [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Luka [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Ga-Matlou [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Modikwe [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Ga-Mogajane [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Ga-Mogopa [NW] Ventersdorp  Ventersdorp Main Seat  Ventersdorp Magistrate's Court
Ga-Mokonyane [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Gamokuane 2 [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Ga-Monama [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Ga-Moti [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Motle [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Ganalaagte [NW] Tswaing  Delareyville Main Seat  Delareyville Magistrate's Court
Ganyesa [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Ga-Ramoga [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Ga-Ramokoka [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Ga-Ramosidi [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Industrial [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Industrial Township [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Rural [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Unit 1 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Unit 10 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Unit 11 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Unit 15 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Unit 16 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Unit 17 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Unit 2 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Unit 20 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Unit 21 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Unit 23 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Unit 24 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Unit 25 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Unit 3 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Unit 4 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Unit 5 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Unit 6 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Unit 7  [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Unit 8 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Unit 9 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa View [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rankuwa Zone 1 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rantlapane [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ga-Rapipa [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Ga-Rasai [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
GaSeane [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Gataote [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Ga-Tau [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Ga-Tshefoqe [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Ga-Tsogwe [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Geelhoutpark [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Geluk [NW] Tswaing  Delareyville Main Seat  Delareyville Magistrate's Court
Geluksoord [NW] Lekwa-Teemane  Christiana Sub District  Christiana Magistrate's Court
Gelukspan [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Geyer [NW] City of Matlosana  Orkney Sub District  Orkney Branch Court
Geysdorp [NW] Tswaing  Delareyville Main Seat  Delareyville Magistrate's Court
Glaudina [NW] Mamusa  Schweizer-Reneke Main Seat  Schweizer-Reneke Magistrate's Court
Goedehoop [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Goedgevonden  [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Goedgevonden [NW] Ventersdorp  Ventersdorp Main Seat  Ventersdorp Magistrate's Court
Golf View [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Goodwood [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Goo-Kgang [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Zeerust Sub District  Zeerust Magistrate’s Court
Gopane  [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Grasfontein [NW] Ditsobotla  Lichtenburg Main Seat  Lichtenburg Magistrate's Court 
Greater Taung  [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
GreenSide [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Grimbeek Park [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Groot Marico [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Groot Marico Sub District  Groot Marico Detached Court
Haakdoornbult [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Hammanskraal [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Hani View [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Hartbeesfontein [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Hartbeestfontein-A [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Hartebeespoort [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Heavyrest Mission [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Hebron [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Hermansburg [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Heron Cove [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Hoekfontein [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Huhudi [NW] Naledi  Vryburg Main Seat  Vryburg Magistrate's Court
Ifafi [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Ikageleng [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Zeerust Sub District  Zeerust Magistrate’s Court
Ikageng [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Ikopeleng [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Imperial Reserve [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Industrial Area  [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Ipelegeng  [NW] Mamusa  Schweizer-Reneke Main Seat  Schweizer-Reneke Magistrate's Court
Irenepark [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Itekeng [NW] Ditsobotla  Lichtenburg Main Seat  Lichtenburg Magistrate's Court 
Itsoseng [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Itsoseng [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Itsoseng Unit 1 [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Itsoseng Unit 2 [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Itsoseng Unit 3 [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Jabula [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Jacobsdal [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Jakkalas [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Jambo [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Jericho [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Jouberton [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Kaalpan [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Kabayatlhose [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Kabe [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Kagisano  [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Kagiso [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Kameelboom AH [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Kameelfontein [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Kameelputs [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Kanana [NW] City of Matlosana  Orkney Sub District  Orkney Branch Court
Kanana [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Kanana [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Kapsteel [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Karlienpark [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Kekana Garden [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Kgabalatsane [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Kgakala [NW] Maquassi Hills  Wolmaranstad Main Seat  Wolmaranstad Magistrate's Court
Kgale [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Kgarayatlhosi  [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Kgaswane Nature Reserve [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Kgatleng [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Kgetlengrivier NU [NW] Kgetlengrivier  Koster Main Seat  Koster Magistrate's Court
Kgokgole [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Kgomo-Kgomo [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Kgomotso [NW] Greater Taung  Kgomotso Sub District Kgomotso Detached Court 
Kgwedimopitlo [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Khudutlou [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Khuma [NW] City of Matlosana  Stilfontein Sub Distict  Stilfontein Branch Court
Khunotswana [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Khunwana [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Khutswane [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Kibitwe [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Kkayakhulu [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Klerksdorp [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Klerksdorp Industrial [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Klerksdorp New Town [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Klipdrift SH [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Klipgat [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Klipgat A [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Klipvoor  [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Koedoespruit [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Koffiekraal [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Koikoi [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Kokomeng [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Kokwane (Kokwana) [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Kolofane [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Kontant [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Kopela [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Kopfontein Border Control (RSA) [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Zeerust Sub District  Zeerust Magistrate’s Court
Kopman [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Koster [NW] Kgetlengrivier  Koster Main Seat  Koster Magistrate's Court
Kraaipan [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Kraalhoek [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Kromellenboog Dam [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Groot Marico Sub District  Groot Marico Detached Court
Kromkuil [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Kroondal [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Kudube [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Kudube Unit 1 [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Kudube Unit 10 [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Kudube Unit 11 [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Kudube Unit 2 [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Kudube Unit 3 [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Kudube Unit 5 [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Kudube Unit 6 [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Kudube Unit 7 [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Kudube Unit 8 [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Kudube Unit D [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Kutlwanong [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
KwaMmatlhwaela [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
KwaMoseja [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Kwarriekraal [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
La Hoff [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Lapologang [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Lebalangwe [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Lebaleng [NW] Maquassi Hills  Wolmaranstad Main Seat  Wolmaranstad Magistrate's Court
Lebanon [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Lebotlwane [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Ledig [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Leeubaar (Leeuaar) [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Leeudoringstad [NW] Maquassi Hills  Wolmaranstad Main Seat  Wolmaranstad Magistrate's Court
Leeupan [NW] Tswaing  Delareyville Main Seat  Delareyville Magistrate's Court
Lefaragatlhe [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Legkraal [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Legonyane [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Legonyane Boots [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Lehujwane Dam [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Lehurutshe [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Lehurutshe Unit 1 [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Lehurutshe Unit 2 [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Lehurutshe Unit 3 [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Lekgalong [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Lekgolo [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Lekgophung [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Zeerust Sub District  Zeerust Magistrate’s Court
Lekkerrus [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Lekojaneng [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Lekoko [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Lekubu (Lekubung) [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Zeerust Sub District  Zeerust Magistrate’s Court
Lekung [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Lekwa-Teemane NU [NW] Lekwa-Teemane  Bloemhof Main Seat  Bloemhof Magistrate's Court
Lemenong [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Leopard Park [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Lerome [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Lerulaneng [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Lesetlheng [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Leshobo [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Lesobe [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Lesung [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Lethabong [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Lethlabile [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Lethlabile A [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Lethlabile B [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Lethlabile C [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Lethlabile E [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Lethlabile G [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Letlhakaneng [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Letlhakeng [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Letseba [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Letsopa [NW] Tswaing  Ottosdal Sub District  Ottosdal Branch Court
Libertas [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Lichtenburg [NW] Ditsobotla  Lichtenburg Main Seat  Lichtenburg Magistrate's Court 
Lichtenburg Game Breeding centre [NW] Ditsobotla  Lichtenburg Main Seat  Lichtenburg Magistrate's Court 
Lindequesdrif AH [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Little [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Lobatieng [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Lobatla [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Lobatse border control (RSA) [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Logagane [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Logageng [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Lokaleng [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Lokgalong [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Lolthogri [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Lomanyaneng [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Lombardslaagte [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Lonely Park [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Longaneng [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Loporung [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Lorwaneng [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Losasaneng [NW] Greater Taung  Kgomotso Sub District Kgomotso Detached Court 
Loselong  [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Lotlhakane [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Lotlhakeng [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Loubsersrus [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Zeerust Sub District  Zeerust Magistrate’s Court
Louisdal [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Lourenspark [NW] City of Matlosana  Orkney Sub District  Orkney Branch Court
Louwna [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Lower Mojeakgoro [NW] Greater Taung  Kgomotso Sub District Kgomotso Detached Court 
Maanhaarrand [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Mabalstad [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Mabele-a-Podi [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Mabeleleng [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Mabeskraal [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Mabitse [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Maboloka [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Mabone [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Mabopane [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Mabopane A [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Mabopane M [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Mabopane R [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Mabopane U [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Mabopane U Ext1 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Mabopane Unit B [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Mabopane Unit C [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Mabopane Unit CV [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Mabopane Unit D  [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Mabopane Unit E [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Mabopane Unit N [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Mabopane Unit S [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Mabopane Unit T [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Mabopane Unit V [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Mabopane X [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Mabule [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Madibe [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Madibe-Magelelo [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Madibe-Makgabane [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Madibogo [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Madibogo Pan [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Madidi [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Madikwe [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Madikwe Nature Reserve [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Zeerust Sub District  Zeerust Magistrate’s Court
Madinonyane [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Madinyane [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Madipelesa [NW] Greater Taung  Kgomotso Sub District Kgomotso Detached Court 
Madutle [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Maeng (Maheng) [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Maeyaeyane [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mafika [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Mafikeng [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mafikeng Game Reserve [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mafikeng Industrial [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Magalane [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Magalies Golf Estate [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Magalies Park [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Magaliesberg Nature Reserve  [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Magaliesberg Nature Reserve [NW] Kgetlengrivier  Swartruggens Sub District  Swartruggens Magistrate's Court
Magaliesberg Protected Natural Environment [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Maganeng [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Magogoe [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Magogong [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Magokgwane [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Magong [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Mahikeng [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mahobieskraal [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Mahukubung [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Maile  [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Maipeng [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Majakaneng [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Majaneng [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Majaneng [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Majemantsho [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Majeng  [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Makala-a-Thutlwa [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Makanyaneng [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Makapanstad [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Makau [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Makgabetlwane [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Makgalaneng [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Makgokgwane [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Makgope [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Makgori [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Makgwaphana [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Makhubung [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Makokskraal [NW] Ventersdorp  Ventersdorp Main Seat  Ventersdorp Magistrate's Court
Makolokwe [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Makoshong [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Makouspan [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Makwassie [NW] Maquassi Hills  Wolmaranstad Main Seat  Wolmaranstad Magistrate's Court
Makweleng [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Malejane [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Mamashokwane [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Mamerotse [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Mamitloana [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Mammutla [NW] Greater Taung  Kgomotso Sub District Kgomotso Detached Court 
Mamusa (Schweizer-Reneke) NU [NW] Mamusa  Schweizer-Reneke Main Seat  Schweizer-Reneke Magistrate's Court
Manamakhotheng [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Manamela [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Manamolele [NW] Tswaing  Delareyville Main Seat  Delareyville Magistrate's Court
Mandela Park [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Mandela Park [NW] Tswaing  Delareyville Main Seat  Delareyville Magistrate's Court
Mandela Village [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Mangopeng [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Mankaipaya [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Mankgekgetha [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Mankwe [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Manokwane [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Manonyane [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Manthathabe [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Manthe [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Mantsa [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mantserre [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Mantsho [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Mantsie [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Manzil Park [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Maologane [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Mapaputle [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Mapetla [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Maphepane [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Maphoitsile [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Mapitiki [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Mapoch [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Maquassi Hills [NW] Maquassi Hills  Wolmaranstad Main Seat  Wolmaranstad Magistrate's Court
Maramage [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Marapalalo [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Mardustria [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Groot Marico Sub District  Groot Marico Detached Court
Maretlwana [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Marico Bosveld Nature Reserve [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Groot Marico Sub District  Groot Marico Detached Court
Marico-Bosveld Dam [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Groot Marico Sub District  Groot Marico Detached Court
Marikana [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Marikana [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Maroelakop [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Zeerust Sub District  Zeerust Magistrate’s Court
Marokolong [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Masamane [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Masebudule [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Zeerust Sub District  Zeerust Magistrate’s Court
Masehemong [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Masekolane [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Maseve Mine South Portal [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Masoga [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Masosobane [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Masutlhe [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Masutlhe 1 [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Matalaneng [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Mathibestad [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Mathopestad  [NW] Kgetlengrivier  Koster Main Seat  Koster Magistrate's Court
Mathopestad [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Mathopestad B [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Matile (Matila) [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Matlametlong [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Matlapaneng [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Matlhabatlhaba [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Matlhase [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Matlhonyane [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Matloding [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Matlwang A [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Matlwang B [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Matolong [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Matooster [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Matshelapane [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Matsheng [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Matshephe [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Maubane [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
MC van Niekerkpark [NW] Ditsobotla  Lichtenburg Main Seat  Lichtenburg Magistrate's Court 
Medunsa [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Meerhof [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Meiringspark [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Melodie [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Meriting [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Meriting Unit 1 [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Meriting Unit 3 [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Mfidikoe [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Mhole [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Miga [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Migdol [NW] Mamusa  Schweizer-Reneke Main Seat  Schweizer-Reneke Magistrate's Court
Mmabatho  [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mmabatho Unit 1 [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mmabatho Unit 12 [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mmabatho Unit 13 [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mmabatho Unit 14 [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mmabatho Unit 15 [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mmabatho Unit 2 [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mmabatho Unit 4 [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mmabatho Unit 5 [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mmabatho Unit 6 [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mmabatho Unit 7 [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mmabatho Unit 8 [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mmabatho Unit 9 [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mmaditlhokwa [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Mmagabue [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Mmakaunyana [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Mmanawane [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mmaphuti [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Mmatau [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Mmatlhwaela [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Mmatshetshele [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Mmorogong [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Mmotla [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Mmukubyane [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Mmutshweu [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Modderspruit [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Modikwe [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Modimola [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Modimola-Morwamarapo [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Modimong [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Modutung [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Moeka [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Moema [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Mofufutso 2 [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Mofufutso1 [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Mogoditsane [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Mogogelo [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Mogohlwaneng [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Mogokgwane [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Mogono [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Mogopela [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Mogopela A [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Mogopela B [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Mogosane [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mogwase [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Mogwase Unit 1 [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Mogwase Unit 4 [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Mogwase Unit 5 [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Mohadin [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Moiletswane [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Mokasa  [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Mokgalaneng [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Mokgareng [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Mokgobistad [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mokgola [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Zeerust Sub District  Zeerust Magistrate’s Court
Mokope [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Molatedi [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Molelema [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Molelwane [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Molemane Nature Reserve [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Molesamongwe [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Molopo Nature Reserve [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Molorwe [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Molote [NW] Kgetlengrivier  Koster Main Seat  Koster Magistrate's Court
Monetsi [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Monnakato [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Monnakato-A [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Mononono [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Montsana  [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Montshioa-stadt [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Montshiwa Unit 1 [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Montshiwa Unit 2 [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Mooibank  [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Mooifontein [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Mooinooi [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Mooipan [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Mooivallei  [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Mooivallei Park [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Moosa Park [NW] Ventersdorp  Ventersdorp Main Seat  Ventersdorp Magistrate's Court
Mopyane [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Moretele [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Moretele [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Moreteletsi [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Morokwaneng [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Morokweng  [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Morokweng [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Moruleng [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Morwatshetlha  [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Moshana [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Mositlane [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Mosonthal-Marubitsh [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Moswana [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Mosweu [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Motakaneng [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Mothanthanyaneng [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Mothutlung [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Motlhabe [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Motlhabeng [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Motseng [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Motsheko [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Motsitsiwe [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Motsoseng [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Motsumorwane [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Motswedi [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Motsweding [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Moubane [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Moumong [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Mountain Sanctuary Park [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Mountain View [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Myra [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Naawpoort [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Naledi NU [NW] Naledi  Vryburg Main Seat  Vryburg Magistrate's Court
Neserhof [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
New Eesterus [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
New Kraaipan [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Newnham [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Ngobi [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Ngotwane Dam [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Ngweding [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Nirvana AH [NW] Mamusa  Schweizer-Reneke Main Seat  Schweizer-Reneke Magistrate's Court
Nkaneng [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Nkogolwe [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Nonceba [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Nooitgedacht  [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Nooitgedacht [NW] City of Matlosana  Orkney Sub District  Orkney Branch Court
Nooitgedacht [NW] Kgetlengrivier  Swartruggens Sub District  Swartruggens Magistrate's Court
Norlim [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Noroki [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Ntsana-le-Metsing [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Ntsopile [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ntsweletsoku [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Ntswetshweu [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Nyetse [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Obakeng [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Odinburg Gardens [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Old Kraaipan [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Olifants Nek  [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Olverton [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
One and Ten [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Oorzaak SH [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Ophir [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Opperman [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Orkney [NW] City of Matlosana  Orkney Sub District  Orkney Branch Court
Ottosdal [NW] Tswaing  Ottosdal Sub District  Ottosdal Branch Court
Ottoshoop [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Oudorp [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Oukasie [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Pachsdraai [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Groot Marico Sub District  Groot Marico Detached Court
Papatso [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Pecanwood Estate [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Pella [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Pembroke [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Phalane [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Phaposane [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Phatsima [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Phatsima [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Phatsima A [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Phetwane [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Phokeng [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Photshaneng [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Phula Mine [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Phuthing [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Pienaar Nature Reserve [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Zeerust Sub District  Zeerust Magistrate’s Court
Pienaarsdorp [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Piet Plessis [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Pilanesberg National Park [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Pitsedisulejang [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Pitsong [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Pomfret [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Poosedumane [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Popo Molefe [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Potchefstroom [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Potchefstroom Rural 1 [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Potchefstroom Rural 2 [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Potchindustria [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Potoane [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Povall [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Prieska [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Promosa [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Protea Park [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Pudimoe [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Pudimoe Unit 1 [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Pudunong [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Pylkop [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Rabokala [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Rabosula [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Radikhudu [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Ramabesa [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Ramaphosa [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Ramoga [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Ramogaodi [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ramogodi [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ramokgolea [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Ramokoka [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Ramolapong [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Ramosadi [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Ramosibitswana [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Ramotlhajwe [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Ramotse [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Rampampaspoort [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Rankelenyane [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Rankotia [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Rasimone [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Rasimone Mine [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Ratau [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Ratjiepane [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Ratlou NU [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Ratsegae [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Ratsiepane [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Reagile [NW] Kgetlengrivier  Koster Main Seat  Koster Magistrate's Court
Reagile [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Reivilo [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Rekgaratlhile  [NW] Naledi  Vryburg Main Seat  Vryburg Magistrate's Court
Rens Town [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Retiefs Park [NW] Ditsobotla  Lichtenburg Main Seat  Lichtenburg Magistrate's Court 
Rietfontein [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Rietpan [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Riviera Park [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Robega [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Rodeona [NW] Kgetlengrivier  Swartruggens Sub District  Swartruggens Magistrate's Court
Rooigrond [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Rooival [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Rooiwal [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Roosheuwel [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Roosville [NW] Tswaing  Delareyville Main Seat  Delareyville Magistrate's Court
Royal Bafokeng Platinum [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Ruighoek Mine [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Ruigtesloot [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Rusten [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Rustenburg [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Rustenburg Industrial [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Rustenburg North [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Rustenburg Oos-Einde [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Rustenburg Platinum Mine [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Rustenburg Rural [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
S.A. Lombard Nature Reserve [NW] Lekwa-Teemane  Bloemhof Main Seat  Bloemhof Magistrate's Court
Safari Tuine [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Sakhrol [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Saleng [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Sandfontein [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Sannieshof [NW] Tswaing  Delareyville Main Seat  Delareyville Magistrate's Court
Sasane [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Schoemansville [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Schoongezicht [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Schoongezicht 2 [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Schweizer-Reneke (Mamusa) [NW] Mamusa  Schweizer-Reneke Main Seat  Schweizer-Reneke Magistrate's Court
Sebowana [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Sefikile [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Segwaelane [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Sekampaneng [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Sekgakwane [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Sekhing [NW] Greater Taung  Kgomotso Sub District Kgomotso Detached Court 
Selepe [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Semashu [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Seoding  [NW] Greater Taung  Kgomotso Sub District Kgomotso Detached Court 
Seolong [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Sephai [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Seraleng [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Serutube [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Seshibitswe [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Sesobe [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Sespond [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Setabeng [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Setlagole [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Setlhokwe [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Setlhwatlhwe [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Setlopo [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Seweding [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Shakung [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Shaleng [NW] Greater Taung  Kgomotso Sub District Kgomotso Detached Court 
Sharon [NW] Mamusa  Schweizer-Reneke Main Seat  Schweizer-Reneke Magistrate's Court
Sheila [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Shukran [NW] Ditsobotla  Lichtenburg Main Seat  Lichtenburg Magistrate's Court 
Siberia [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Signal Hill [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Silkaatskop [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Zeerust Sub District  Zeerust Magistrate’s Court
Silwerkrans [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Six Hundred [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Slagbooom [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Slovo [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Slurry [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Slurry Cement Mine [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Songloed [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Sonop [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
South Village [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Southey [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Springbokfontein [NW] Tswaing  Delareyville Main Seat  Delareyville Magistrate's Court
Springbokpan [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Stella [NW] Naledi  Vryburg Main Seat  Vryburg Magistrate's Court
Stilfontein [NW] City of Matlosana  Stilfontein Sub Distict  Stilfontein Branch Court
Stinkwater [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Sun City [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Supingstad [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Zeerust Sub District  Zeerust Magistrate’s Court
Sutelong [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Suurman [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Swartboom [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Swartdam [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Swartfontein [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Lehurutshe Main Seat  Lehurutshe Magistrate's Court
Swartruggens [NW] Kgetlengrivier  Swartruggens Sub District  Swartruggens Magistrate's Court
Syferkuil [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Tabasikwa [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Tantanana [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Taung [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Temba [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Temba Rural [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Thabaneng [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Thabasione [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Thabeng [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Thakwane [NW] Naledi  Vryburg Main Seat  Vryburg Magistrate's Court
Thawane [NW] Tswaing  Delareyville Main Seat  Delareyville Magistrate's Court
The Coves [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
The Islands Estate [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Thekwane [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Thlapa [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Thlatlaganyane [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Thomeng [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Thota ya Tau [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Thulwe [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Thutlwane [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Tigane [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Tiokweng [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Tladistad [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Tlakgameng [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Tlapeng [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Tlapeng [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Tlapeng A [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Tlaseng [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Tlhabane [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Tlhabane Unit 1 [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Tlhabane Unit 3 [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Tlhabane Unit B [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Tlhabane West [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Tlhabologang [NW] Ditsobotla  Coligny Sub District  Coligny Magistrate's Court
Tlhabologo [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Tlhakajeng [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Tlhaping [NW] Tswaing  Atamelang Sub District  Atamelang Detached Court
Tlholwe [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Tlokwe City Council NU [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Tlounane [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Tloung [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Tobias [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Top Village [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Transaksie [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Trotsville [NW] Maquassi Hills  Wolmaranstad Main Seat  Wolmaranstad Magistrate's Court
Tsebe [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Tseng [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Tseoge [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Tsêtsê  [NW] Ventersdorp  Ventersdorp Main Seat  Ventersdorp Magistrate's Court
Tsetse [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Tshetshu [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Tshidilamolomo [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Tshing [NW] Ventersdorp  Ventersdorp Main Seat  Ventersdorp Magistrate's Court
Tshunyane [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Tshwara [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Tshwara [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Tshwaro [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Tsitsing  [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Tsokonyane [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Tswelelang [NW] Maquassi Hills  Wolmaranstad Main Seat  Wolmaranstad Magistrate's Court
Tuhutsang [NW] Kagisamo Molopo  Ganyesa Main Seat  Ganyesa Magistrate's Court 
Turfvlei AH [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Uitkomsdal Agricultural Holdings [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Uitkyk  [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Uitkyk [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Umzimhle [NW] City of Matlosana  Orkney Sub District  Orkney Branch Court
Upper Mojeakgoro [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Uraniaville [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Utlwanang [NW] Lekwa-Teemane  Christiana Sub District  Christiana Magistrate's Court
Utsane [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Vaal Park [NW] City of Matlosana  Orkney Sub District  Orkney Branch Court
Vaal Reefs [NW] City of Matlosana  Orkney Sub District  Orkney Branch Court
Vaalboschhoek [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Vaalkop Dam [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Vaalkop Dam Nature Reserve [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Van Der Hoff Park [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Ventersdorp [NW] Ventersdorp  Ventersdorp Main Seat  Ventersdorp Magistrate's Court
Verdwaal [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Vergenoeg [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Vlakplaas [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Vlieger [NW] Ventersdorp  Ventersdorp Main Seat  Ventersdorp Magistrate's Court
Voordonker [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Vrede [NW] Moses Kotane  Madikwe Sub District  Madikwe Magistrate's Court
Vryburg [NW] Naledi  Vryburg Main Seat  Vryburg Magistrate's Court
Vyfhoek AH [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Wag 'n Bietjie [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Walman [NW] Moretele  Temba Main Seat  Moretele Magistrate's Court 
Waterkloof [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Waterkloof Chrome Mine [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Waterval [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Waterval East [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Welgedacht [NW] Mafikeng  Mafikeng Main Seat  Mmabatho (Mafikeng) Magistrate's Court 
Welgeval [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Welgevonden [NW] Ventersdorp  Ventersdorp Main Seat  Ventersdorp Magistrate's Court
Weltevreden [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Welverdiend [NW] Ditsobotla  Itsoseng Sub District  Itsoseng Magistrate's Court
Wentzeldam [NW] Mamusa  Schweizer-Reneke Main Seat  Schweizer-Reneke Magistrate's Court
Wigwam [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court
Wildebeesfontein [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Wildebeesfontein Mine [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Wilgeboom AH [NW] Tlokwe  Potchefstroom Main Seat  Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court, Ikageng Branch Court
Wilkeville [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Wilkopies [NW] City of Matlosana  Klerksdorp Main Seat  Klerksdorp Magistrate's Court
Windsor [NW] Rustenburg  Thlabane Sub District  Phokeng (Bafokeng) Magistrate's Court
Winterveld 1 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Winterveld 3 [NW] Madibeng  Ga-Rankuwa Sub District  Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate's Court
Witpan [NW] Tswaing  Delareyville Main Seat  Delareyville Magistrate's Court
Witpoort  [NW] Maquassi Hills  Wolmaranstad Main Seat  Wolmaranstad Magistrate's Court
Witrandtjie [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Wolmaranstad [NW] Maquassi Hills  Wolmaranstad Main Seat  Wolmaranstad Magistrate's Court
Wonderkoppies [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Xanadu Eco Park [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Xhonyane  [NW] Greater Taung  Taung Main Seat  Taung Magistrate's Court
Zandfontein [NW] Moses Kotane  Mankwe Main Seat  Mogwase Magistrate's Court
Zeerust [NW] Ramotshere Moiloa  Zeerust Sub District  Zeerust Magistrate’s Court
Zilkaats Estate [NW] Madibeng  Brits Main Seat  Brits Magistrate's Court
Zinniaville [NW] Rustenburg  Rustenburg Main Seat  Rustenburg Magistrate's Court

Enquiries can be directed to:

Mr Zacharia (Moagi) Makena
Deputy Director (Court Establishment)
Tel: 012 315 1767