Government Gazette Notices & Proclamations 2000-2009
All documents are in Acrobat Reader format.
2009 12 31
- GG 32838 - Notice R 1231 [23kb] Promotion of Access to Information Act (2/2000): Description submitted in terms of section 15 (1) - GG 32838, 31 Dec 2009, Notice R1231
2009 12 29 - GG 32850 - Notice 1670 [1mb] Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act (32/2007): Order issued by the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (NRSO)
2009 12 18
- GG 32806 - Notice R 1185
[22kb] Promotion of Access to Information Act (2/2000): Description submitted in terms of section 15 (1) - GG 32806, 18 Dec 2009, Notice R1185
2009 12 11
- GG 32781 - Notice R 1149
[15kb] Justices of the Peace and Commissioners of Oaths Act (16/1963): Designation of Commissioners of Oaths - GG 32781, 11 Dec 2009, Notice R1149
2009 11 27
- GG 32759 - Notice R 1121
[9kb] Determination in terms of section 62a of the Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-Related Information Act, 2002 (Act 70 of 2002) - GG 32759, 27 Nov 2009, Notice 1121
2009 11 27
- GG 32750 - Notice R 1120
[24kb] Debt Collectors Act (114/1998): Regulations relating to Debt Collectors, 2003: Amendment - GG 32750, 27 Nov 2009, Notice R1120
2009 11 27
- GG 32750 - Notice R 81
[9kb] Judicial Matters Amendment Act (66/2008): Partial commencement of section 26 - GG 32750, 27 Nov 2009, Proc R81
2009 11 27
- GG 32751 - Notice R 1118
[15kb] Repeal of the Black Administration Act and Amendment of Certain Laws Amendment Act, 2009 - GG 32751, 27 Nov 2009, Notice 1118
2009 11 20
- GG 32713 - Notice R 1080
[21kb] Promotion of Access to Information Act (2/2000): Description submitted in terms of section 15 (1) - GG 32713, 20 Nov 2009, Notice R1080
2009 11 19
- GG 32730 - Proc 76
[18kb] Judges' Remuneration and Conditions of Employment Act (47/2001): Remuneration of Constituitional Court Judges and Judges - GG 32730, 19 Nov 2009, Proc 76
2009 11 10
- GG 32703 - Proc 72
[26kb] Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act (74/1996): Referral of matter to existing special investigating unit and special tribunal - GG 32703, 10 Nov 2009, Proc R72 of 2009
2009 11 06
- GG 32691 - Notice R 1478
[29kb] Insolvency Act, 1936: Payment of fees under section 153 (1) bis - GG 32691, 6 Nov 2009, Notice 1478
2009 11 05
- GG 32690 - Notice R 1057
[16kb] Administration of Estates Act (66/1965): Amendment of Regulations (Amendment of Schedule 2 to the Regulations) - GG32690, 5 Nov 2009, Notice R1057
2009 11 05
- GG 32690 - Notice R 1056
[16kb] Trust Property Control Act (57/1988): Amendment of Regulations - GG32690, 5 Nov 2009, Notice R1056
2009 11 05
- GG 32690 - Notice R 1055
[13kb] Insolvency Act (24/1936): Amendment of the Third Schedule - GG32690, 5 Nov 2009, Notice R1055
2009 10 16
- GG 32632 - Notice R 978
[16kb] PUBLICATION OF OFFICIAL GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES. Published by the Department of Arts and Culture. - GG32632, 16 Oct 2009, Notice 978
2009 10 09
- GG 32622 - Notice R 966
[2.2mb] Promotion of Administrative Justice Act: Rules: Procedure for judicial review of administrative action - G 32622, RG 9165, GoN 966), 9 October 2009
2009 08 28
- GG 32516 - Notice R 859
[62kb] Designation of magistrates' courts as equality courts; Defining the area of jurisdiction of each equality court; and appointment of places within the area of jurisdiction. - GG 32516, 28 Aug 2009, Notice R859
2009 08 14
- GG 32494 - Notice R 841
[17kb] Attorneys Act (53/1979): Scale of fees payable in respect of matters referred to in section 80 of the Act. - GG 32494, 14 Aug 2009, Notice R841
2009 08 14
- GG 32494 - Proc 50
[15kb] Judicial Matters Second Amendment Act (55/2003): Commencement of s 8, s 9 and s 10 on 14 August 2009 (In terms of s 34 of the Judicial Matters Second Amendment Act, 55 of 2003). - GG 32494, 14 Aug 2009, Proc R50
2009 07 24
- GG 32433 - Notice R 776
[1.84mb] Magistrates' Courts Act (32/1944): Creation of sub-districts and the appointment of a place within the sub-district for the holding of a court - GG 32433, 24 Jul 2009, Notice 776
2009 07 10
- GG 32371 - Notice R 726
[14kb] Promotion of Access to Information Act (2/2000): Descriptions submitted in terms of section 15(1) - GG 32371, 10 Jul 2009, Notice R726
2009 07 01
- GG 32367 - Notice R 44 [51kb] Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996: Transfer of administration and powers and functions entrusted by legislation to certain cabinet members in terms of section 97 of the Constitution - GG 32367, 1 Jul 2009, No 44
2009 06 22
- GG 32341 -Notice R 39
[9kb] Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-related Information Amendment Act (48/2008): Commencement - GG No. 32341, 22 Jun 2009, No 39
2009 02 23
- GG 31948 - Notice R 13 [32kb] Commencement of the Renaming of High Courts Act, 2008 (Act No. 30 of 2009) - GG No.31948, No,_ R. 13,2009
2009 02 19
- GG 31930 - Notice R 12
[31kb] Commencement of Section 13 of the National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Act, 2008 (Act No. 56 of 2008) - GG No.31930, R. 12, 2009
2009 02 06
- GG 31844 - Notice R 93
[122kb] Notice in terms of Section 31 of the Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-Related Information Act, 2002 (Act No. 70 of 2002): Mobile Cellular Operators - GG No.31844, No. R. 93
2009 01 22
- GG 31809 - Notice R 9011
[202kb] Judges’ Remuneration and Condition of Employment Act (47/2001): Amendment of Regulations - GG No, 31809, R. 9011 [R.43]
2009 01 21
- GG 31808 - Notice R 2
[119kb] Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act, 1996 (Act No. 74 of 1996): Referral of Matters to Existing Special Investigating Unit and Special Tribunal - GG No.31808, No. 2,2009
2008 12 29 - GG
31759, GeN 1584 [61kb] Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures)
Amendment Bill: Explanatory summary
2008 12 24 - GG
31735, RG 9006, GoN 1391 [40kb] Recognition of Customary
Marriages Act: Period for registration of customary marriages
2008 12 24 - GG
31735, RG 9006, GoN 1390 [40kb] Recognition of Customary
Marriages Act: Period for registration of customary marriages
2008 12 12 - GG
31723, GeN 1540 [399kb] Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation
Act: Regulations: Exhumations, reburials and symbolic burials of deceased
victims: Draft
2008 12 12 - GG
31690, RG 9003, GoN 1342 [221kb] Rules Board for Courts
of Law Act: Magistrates' Courts: Rules of Court: Amendment
2008 12 12 - GG
31690, RG 9003, GoN 1344 [163kb] Rules Board for Courts
of Law Act: High Court of South Africa: Rules of court: Amendment
2008 12 12 - GG
31690, RG 9003, GoN 1343 [94kb] Rules Board for Courts
of Law Act: High Court of South Africa: Rules: Conduct of proceedings:
2008 12 12 - GG
31690, RG 9003, GoN 1345 [128kb] Rules Board for Courts
of Law Act: High Court of South Africa: Rules: Conduct of proceedings:
2008 12 12 - GG
31723, GeN 1539 [221kb] Promotion of National Unity
and Reconciliation Act: Exhumation Policy: Cases of missing persons reported
to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC): Draft
2008 12 12 - GG
31690, RG 9003, GoN 1341 [48kb] Rules Board for Courts
of Law Act: Magistrates' Courts: Rules of Court: Amendment
2008 12 12 - GG
31681, RG 9000, GoN 1321 [62kb] Justices of the Peace
and Commissioners of Oaths Act: Designation of commissioners of oaths
2008 12 03 - GG
31677, P 55 [37kb]
Judges' Remuneration and Conditions of Employment Act: Total remuneration
structure of constitutional court judges and judges
2008 10 27 - GG
31546, GoN 47 [66kb]
Remuneration of Public Office Bearers Act: Total remuneration structure
of Constitutional Court Judges and Judges
2008 10 24 - GG
31519, GoN 1130 [43kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Trompsburg area
2008 10 24 - GG
31519, GoN 1129 [40kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Zastron area
2008 10 24 - GG
31519, GoN 1128 [49kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Keiskammahoek area
2008 09 26 - GG
31444, RG 8968, GoN 1017 [23kb] Justice of Peace and
Commissioners of Oaths Act: Designation of commissioners of oaths
2008 09 19 - GG
31417, BN 88 [57kb]
Debt Collectors Act: Register available for inspection
2008 09 05 - GG
31389, GeN 1065 [60kb] Promotion of National Unity
and Reconciliation Act: Designation of leader of evidence and secretary
to subcommittee on amnesty: Withdrawal
2008 08 22 - GG
31341, GoN 890 [36kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Nkomazi area
2008 08 08 - GG
31301, GoN 834 [51kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Ixopo area
2008 07 25 - GG
31256, GoN 790 [39kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Bizana area
2008 07 25 - GG
31256, GoN 787 [45kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Mount Frere area
2008 07 25 - GG
31256, GoN 788 [40kb] Small Claims Courts Act : Establishment
of small claims court for Carnarvon area
2008 07 11 - GG
31220, GoN 748 [50kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Philippolis area
2008 06 27 - GG
31171, GoN 690 [31kb] Promotion of Access to Information
Act: Exemption from compilation, publication and making available of
manual: South African National Academy of Intelligence (SANAI)
2008 06 27 - GG
31171, GoN 688 [30kb] Promotion of Access to Information
Act: Exemption from compilation, publication and making available of
manual: Electronic Communications Security Company (Pty) Ltd (Comsec)
2008 06 27 - GG
31171, GoN 689 [30kb] Promotion of Access to Information
Act: Exemption from compilation, publication and making available of
manual: South African Secret Service (SASS)
2008 06 27 - GG
31171, GoN 687 [29kb] Promotion of Access to Information Act: Exemption
from compilation, publication and making available of manual: National
Intelligence Agency
2008 06 27
- GG
31189 - Notice R 23
[36kb] Commencement of Section 62(1) to (5) of the Regulation of Interception
of Communications and Provision of Communication-Related Information
Act 70 of 2002 - GG No. 31189, R. 23
2008 05 30 - GG
31083 [373kb] Attorneys
Act: Law Society of the Free State: New rule and amendments to existing
2008 05 22 - GG
31076, RG 8892, GoN 561 [1.95kb] Criminal Law (Sexual
Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act: Regulations
2008 05 16 - GG
31041, GoN 536 [26kb]
Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment of small claims court for Phalala
2008 05 16 - GG
31041, GoN 535 [31kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Koffiefontein area
2008 04 11
- GG 30953 - Notice R
[30kb] Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 tariff payable to a psychiatrist
or clinical psychologist for an enquiry into the mental condition of
an accused - GG 30953, R. 393
2008 04 11
- GG 30953 - Notice R
[43kb] Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 regulations prescribing the tariff
of allowances payable to psychiatrists and clinical psychologists who
appear as witnesses in court - GG 30953, R. 392
2008 04 11
- GG 30953 - Notice R
[57kb] Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 regulations prescribing the tariff
of allowances payable to witnesses in criminal proceedings - GG 30953,
R. 391
2008 04 11
- GG 30953 - Notice R
[37kb] Magistrates' Courts Act, 1944, and the Supreme Court Act, 1959:
Tariff of allowances payable to witnesses in civil cases - GG 30953,
R. 394
2008 03 27 - GG
30902, GeN 392 [17kb] Traditional Courts Bill: Explanatory summary
2008 02 29 - GG
30805, GoN 219 [39kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Musina area
2008 02 29 - GG
30805, GoN 218 [33kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Sekgosese area
2008 02 25 - GG
30815, GeN 309 [19kb] Reform of Customary Law of Succession
and Regulation of Related Matters Bill: Explanatory summary
2008 02 21
- GG 30799,
GeN 277 [28kb] Renaming of High Courts Bill: Explanatory summary
2008 02 08 - GG 30722, RG 8829,
GoN 112 [52kb] Justices of the Peace
and Commissioners of Oaths Act: Designation of commissioners of oaths
2008 02 01 - GG 30697, GoN 84 [469kb] Magistrates'
Courts Act: Establishment of courts and appointment of places within
district for holding of periodical courts: Sekgosesse and Soutpansberg
2008 01 25 - GG 30680, GoN 47 [20kb] Small
Claims Courts Act: Establishment of small claims court for Naphuno area
2008 01 25 - GG 30680, GoN 52 [27kb] Small
Claims Courts Act: Establishment of small claims court for Sekhukhune
2008 01 11 - GG
30664, RG 8820, P 17 [26kb] Special Investigating Units And Special
Tribunals Act: Amendment
2007 12 14 - GG 30559, GoN
1180 [39kb] Magistrates' Courts Act: Appointment
of places for holding of court
2007 11 30 - GG 30529, RG
8787, GoN 1136 [71kb] Magistrates Act: Determination
of additional remuneration payable to permanent magistrates acting in
any other judicial office
2007 11 30 - GG 30529, RG
8787, GoN 1137 [62kb] Magistrates' Courts
Act: Determination of benefits of magistrates who have to dispose of
cases after vacating the office of the magistrate
2007 11 27 - GG 30526, P 43 [46kb]
Judge's Remuneration and Conditions of Employment Act: Remuneration of
constitutional court judges and judges
2007 11 27 - GG
30526, P 42 [75kb] Magistrates' Act: Salaries, allowances and benefits
of magistrates
2007 11 23 - GG 30485, GoN
1100 [18kb] Small Claims Court Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Tshilwavhusiki area
2007 11 16 - GG 30459, GoN
1072 [39kb] Small Claims Court Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Lydenburg area
2007 11 09 - GG 30455, GeN
1629 [106kb] Supreme Court Act: Rules: Proceedings
of Transvaal Provincial Division and Witwatersrand Local Division of
High Court of South Africa and Venda High Court: Amendment
2007 10 26 - GG 30393, RG
8762, GoN 1003 [60kb] Justices of the Peace
and Commissioners of Oaths: Designation of commissioners of oaths: Amendment
2007 09 12 - GG 30290, RG
8743, P 25 [102kb] Special Investigating
Units and Special Tribunals Act: Referral of matters to existing special
investigating unit and special tribunal: Great Kei Local Municipality
2007 09 10 - GG
26775, GeN 1958 [229kb] Constitution of the Republic of South Africa:
South African Human Rights Commission: Inquiry into Khomani San: Terms
of Reference
2007 09 10 - GG 26775, GeN
1959 [64kb] Constitution of the Republic
of South Africa: South African Human Rights Commission: Inquiry into
Khomani San: Submissions
2007 09 07 - GG 30253, GoN
820 [211kb] Supreme Court Act: Rules: Conduct
of proceedings of Orange Free State Provincial Division of High Court:
2007 08 31 - GG 30162, RG
8736, P 21 [177kb] Special Investigating
Units and Special Tribunals Act: Referral of matters to existing special
investigating unit and special tribunal: Free State Provincial Treasury
2007 08 31 - GG 30245, RG
8736, P 22 [171kb] Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals
Act: Referral of matters to existing special investigating unit and
special tribunal: Mpumalanga Economic Empowerment Corporation Limited
2007 08 31 - GG 30245, RG
8736, P 23 [193kbkb] Special Investigating
Units and Special Tribunals Act: Referral of matters to existing special
investigating unit and special tribunal: Office for Witness Protection
2007 08 31 - GG 30220 [ 72kb] Attorneys Act: Cape Law Society: 2007
AGM and elections
2007 08 17 - GG 30164, GeN
998 [72kb] Supreme Court Act: Rules: Conduct
of proceedings of Orange Free State Provincial Division of High Court:
2007 08 14 - GG 30173, RG
8733, GoN 736 [51kb] Promotion of National
Unity and Reconciliation Act: Subcommittee on Amnesty: Appointment
2007 08 14 - GG 30174, GeN
1006 [44kb] Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act: Subcommittee
on Amnesty: Designation of Leader of Evidence and Secretary
2007 08 10 - GG 30152, GeN
968 [61kb] Debt Collectors Act: Application:
Exemption from disqualification: A-M Kuhn: Comments invited
2007 07 27 - GG 30117, GoN
684 [319kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment
of small claims court for area of Soshanguve
2007 07 20 - GG 30098, GoN
662 [44kb] Small Claims Court Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Madadeni area
2007 07 20 - GG 30098, GoN
659 [46kb] Small Claims Court Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Mokerong area
2007 07 20 - GG 30098, GoN
660 [43kb] Small Claims Court Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Mthatha area
2007 07 20 - GG 30098, GoN
661 [44kb] Small Claims Court Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Lusikisiki area
2007 07 20 - GG 30098, GoN
658 [63kb] Small Claims Court Act: Establishment
of small claims court for Mankweng area
2007 06 01 - GG
29914, RG 8690, GoN 466 [63kb] Promotion of Access to Information Act:
Regulations: Amendment
2007 05 25 - GG 29898, RG
8687, GoN 451 [18kb] Promotion of National
Unity and Reconciliation Act: Amnesty granted
2007 04 25 - GG 29831, RG
8671, P 7 [39kb] Special Investigating Units
and Special Tribunals Act: Referral of matters to existing special investigating
unit and special tribunal: Department of Housing, Housing Development
Boards and Corporations and local authorities and their appointed agents
2007 04 13 - GG 29775, GoN
306 [16kb] Magistrates' Courts Act: Appointment
of Tsakane as place for holding of court for Brakpan
2007 03 30 - GG 29756, RG
8658, P 5 [22kb] Special Investigating Units
and Special Tribunals Act: Amendment
2007 03 02 - GG 29651, GoN
159 [28kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment
of small claims court for area of Tulbagh
2007 02 09 - GG 29586, GoN
94 [26kb] Small Claims Courts Act: Establishment
of a small claims court for Mhala area
2007 02 02 - GG
29558, GoN 58 [24kb] Magistrates' Courts Act: Appointment
of Motherwell as place for holding of a court within District of Port
2007 02 02 - GG
29558, GoN 59 [23kb] Magistrates' Courts Act: Abolishing
of Bethelsdorp as place for holding of a court within District of Port
Elizabeth and appointment of Nerina One Stop Youth Centre as place for
holding of a court within District of Port Elizabeth
2006 10 13
- GG 29278 - Notice R 990
[17kb] Promotion of Access to Information Act (2/2000): Amendment to the PAIA regulations section 91a(7) and section 92(4). Government Notice R. 990 of 13 October 2006 was published in Gazette 29278 dated 13 October 2006
2006 06 15
- GG 28942 - Notice R 605
[32kb] Commission of inquiry to conduct an investigation into the alleged illicit activities of certain South African companies or individual relating to the United Nations Oil-For-Food Programme in Iraq: Extension of period to report, (G 28942, RG 8489, GoN 605), 15 June 2006, Donen Commission
2006 02 17
- GG 28525 - Notice R 8405
[58kb] Commissions Act: Commission of Inquiry into alleged illicit activities of certain SA companies or individuals relating to UN Oil-for-Food Programme in Iraq, (G 28528, RG 8405, P 3), 17 February 2006, Donen Commission
2005 10 14
- GG 28107 - GoN991
[36kb] Promotion of Access to Information Act: Exemptions and determinations - GG 28107, RG 8325, GoN 991
2005 08 31
- GG 27988 - Notice R 965
[209kb] Promotion of Access to Information Act 2000 (Act 2 of 2000): Exemption of Certain Private Bodies to Compile Manual (No. 965). - Notice 27988
2004 04 30 - GG 26316, GeN 743 [681kb] Invitation to comment on the proposed Date of Commencement of Chapter 5 of the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 2000 (Act 4 of 2000) and the Regulations under Section 30 of the Act, , 30 April 2004
2004 04 30 - GG 26316 - Notice R 563 [6.63mb] Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 2000 (Act
No. 4 of 2000) DRAFT Regulations (Eng)
2003 09 22
- GG 25410 - Notice R 1243 (Afr)
[533kb] Promotion of Access to Information Act (2/2000):Amendment of regulations regarding the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000
2003 06 27
- GG 25142 - Notice R 938
[37kb] Promotion of Access to Information Act (2/2000):DESIGNATION OF MAGISTRATES' COURTS UNDER THE DEFINITION OF "court" IN THE PROMOTION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT, 2000 (ACT NO. 2 OF 2000) - Notice 25142
2003 08 29
- GG 25410 - Notice R 1243
[298kb] Promotion of Access to Information Act (2/2000):Exemption of Private Bodies, Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2002 (Act 2 of 2000). - Notice 1243
2003 05 16
- GG 24849 - Notice R 656
[3.56mb] Criminal Procedure Act (51/1977): Requirements and certificate for peace officers
2002 09 20
- GG 21362 - Notice R 2555
[43kb] Promotion of Access to Information Act (2/2000): The implementation of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 - Notice 2555
2002 10 31
- GG 23761 - Notice R 1089
[60kb] Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Regulations, 2002 (This regulation came into effect on 16 Aug 2002)
2002 10 11
- GG 23941 - Notice R 1991
[24kb] Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Fourth Amendment Bill, 2002 - Notice 1991
2002 02 19
- GG 23144 - Notice R 210
[100kb] Criminal Procedure Act (51/1977): Requirements and certificate for peace officers in terms of section 334
2000 10 31
- GG 10601 - Notice R 200
[15kb] Regulations for the Administration and Distribution of the Estates of Deceased Blacks: No. R. 200 6 February 1987