Insolvent Estates (Liquidations)

Active Insolvency Practitioners in South Africa

The Chief Master hereby thank all Insolvency Practitioners and aspirant Insolvency Practitioners who submitted their completed information forms.

Any follow-up should only be via email ( because no telephone or fax communication will be accepted. If you have sent your information via email and have not received an auto-generated response, indicating that the Master has received your information, please send an email to the Master at

Once the consideration of additional/outstanding information has been considered, stakeholder and the public would be advised of all green practitioners details for their inputs and objections, if any, to underscore the openness and transparency of this process of cleaning the List.


Note: There will only be ONE Intake Session for the Year 2024.

New Applications will open from 15 March 2024 to 19 April 2024.

Applications received before OR after these dates (15 March 2024 to 19 April 2024) will NOT be considered.

All Applications for New Intakes must make use of the prescribed ‘Affidavit for New Applications’ form.

All Required Documents must also be lodged as required per the affidavit and attached in PDF format. No other format will be accepted. (Do not exceed 5mb per attachment, per email).

The Affidavit and required documents must ONLY be emailed to the dedicated email address

Punitive measures including but not limited to suspension/removal from the panel of liquidators can be instituted should it be found that applicants provide false, misleading information or in any-way tampered with the Affidavit.

Dated: 04/03/2024

Insolvency Practitioners

All Insolvency Practitioners are required to check and verify that their Personal details are in order.

If any changes need to be made with regards to Name Changes, Business name, Address, Contact details etc.

They need to do so by sending an email to

The contact details of persons reflected on the PDI lists, appear in full on the National List of Liquidators. Any Practitioner who finds any error with his details is invited to send email to

Related file: Chief Maters Directive 2016-01 - Appointments in terms of the PDI/BEE list of Insolvency Practitioners.

New Applications for admission to the Active Insolvency Practitioners List

  1. Qualifications:
    Any person who has the following qualifications or is an admitted attorney, may apply to be considered for inclusion in the National list of liquidators:
    1. LLB
    2. B Proc
    3. B Com

  2. Intakes for new applicants will take place twice annually (May and October). The closing dates for submission of new applications before each intake will be March and August.

  3. Assessments of new applicants consists of a written test, as well as a short interview. Candidates should have knowledge of the following in preparation of such assessment:
    • Insolvency Act 24 of 1936;
    • Companies Act 61 0f 1973;
    • Companies Act 71 of 2008;
    • Close Corporations Act 69 of 1984;
    • Relevant Case Law;
    • Latest developments in the insolvency and liquidation industry.

  4. For purposes of the assessment process, should you have met the requirements to be shortlisted, you need to bring:
    • ID document or valid drivers’ licence;
    • Own stationary and calculator
    Note: Candidates will not be allowed access to their cellular phones during the assessment period.

  5. Affidavit for new applicants
    The below-linked information affidavit must be completed and must be lodged, together with the annexures thereto, to the  following e-mail address before the closing dates of each intake as mentioned above.

    Affidavit for New Applications: Affidavit providing required information for persons applying to be placed on the National List of Liquidators [376kb] Updated: 2016/11/10

    These affidavits with annexures may only be submitted electronically to the following e-mail address: