

  • J155 - Undertaking and acceptance of Master's directions [44KB]
  • J187 - Liquidation and distribution accounts in deceased estates lying for inspection GPW Form
  • J190 - Acceptance of trust as Executor [224KB]
  • J192 - Affidavit: Particulars of Next-of-Kin [122KB]
  • J193 - Notice to Creditors in Deceased Estates GPW Form
  • J243 - Inventory / CB47 [611KB]
  • J262 - Undertaking and bond of security - By interim curator / executor / foreign executor / tutor / curator [44KB]
  • J294 (Afrikaans) - Death Notice [85KB]
  • J312 - Undertaking and bond of security - By curator / executor / foreign executor / tutor / curator [108KB]
  • J468 - Undertaking and bond of security -By provisional liquidator(s) / liquidator(s) [16KB]
  • JM33_42 - Section 42(2) - Application for Endorsement in terms of section 42(2) of the Administration of Estates Act: Section 42(2) paragraphs 1 to 6 and 12 [73KB]
  • Affidavit/Declaration - Affidavit/Declaration [26KB]
  • Declaration - Declaration of Subsisting Marriages [28KB]
  • Estate Duty forms (such as the REV267 Estate Duty, REV 246, REV 268, REV 16, REV 244 is available on the SARS website).
  • Nomination Form - Nomination to Act as Executor or Master's Representative (Letter of Nomination)
  • Section 80 - Application for Endorsement in terms of section 80 of the Administration of Estates Act [57KB]
  • Checklist for reporting a deceased estates at the Durban Master's Office
  • MBU 09 (A): Inventory: Obtain value of bank account - Annexure B [Chief Master Directive 09/2023]
  • MBU 09 (B): Inventory: Obtain value of policy - Annexure C [Chief Master Directive 09/2023]
  • MBU 12: Obtaining funds from a bank for funeral purposes - Annexure D [Chief Master Directive 09/2023]
  • MBU 19: Affidavit / Affirmation - Annexure A [Chief Master Directive 09/2023]

NOTE: The "Letter of Authority [Section 18(3)] - J170" & "Letter of Executorship [Section 13 & 14] - J238" must be obtained from the Office of the Master.


  • J28 - Insolvent Estates, Companies Or Close Corporations Sequestrated Or Wound Up Provisionally GPW Form
  • J475 - Section 9(3) - Bond of security in terms of section 9(3) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936, 346(3) of the Companies Act 61 of 1973 read with section 66 of the Close Corporations Act, 69 of 1984 [82KB]
  • Affidavit providing required information for persons applying to be placed on the National List of Liquidators [376kb] Updated: 2017/03/20
  • Renewal Affidavit providing required information for persons applying to remain on the National List of Liquidators [357kb] Updated: 2017/03/20



  • J197 - Application for appointment as curator or tutor [44KB]
  • J243 - Inventory [611KB]
  • J295 - Notice of Curator and Tutor GPW Form
  • J297 - Election of executors, curators and tutors GPW Form
  • J262 - Undertaking and bond of security - By interim curator / executor / foreign executor / tutor / curator
  • J312 - Undertaking and bond of security - By curator / executor / foreign executor / tutor / curator [108KB]
  • J344 - Undertaking and bond of security [33KB]
  • J468 - Undertaking and bond of security -By provisional liquidator(s) / liquidator(s)[16KB]


OTHER FORMS - Fees payable to the Master

* Forms not listed here should be obtained from your nearest Master's Office